Spotlight: Terrorism & Radicalization
The evolution of radicalization in Maghreb and the risks for Europe
The evolution of radicalization in Maghreb and the risks for Europe
Terrorism & Radicalization
The military defeat and the loss of the Syrian-Iraqi territorial dimension did not coincide with the demise of Daesh which still continues to represent a direct threat to European security

The terrorist attacks in Europe between 2015 and 2018 have shown how Daesh is able to conduct complex operations even outside its operational bases and thousands of kilometers from its sanctuaries in the Middle East, Africa and Asia. Furthermore, thanks to the power of its propaganda machine, Daesh is able to radicalize fragile and vulnerable individuals potentially all over the world. Despite the defeat in Syria and Iraq and the substantial loss of territories throughout the Middle East, Daesh’s propaganda and, therefore, radicalization capacity has not been reduced. The project aims to investigate how the methods, strength and tools of Daesh’s radicalization have evolved in the aftermath of its military defeat in Syria and Iraq. At the same time, the project aims to provide law enforcement agencies and institutions with policy recommendations to improve the ability to prevent and combat jihadist radicalization.