Spotlight: Terrorism & Radicalization
The evolution of jihadist radicalization in Asia
The evolution of jihadist radicalization in Asia
Terrorism & Radicalization
The project aims at highlighting the evolution of jihadist violent extremism in South Asia and Southeast Asia, after the foundation of Daesh and the spread of the Caliphate’s propaganda in the region.

Since the 90’s, Asia has been the stronghold of the network connected to al-Qaeda and has proved to be a breeding ground for jihadist radicalization. After the foundation of the Caliphate in the Middle East and the weakening of “Qedism” as a model, the region saw an increasing competition between the two groups, which affected local insurgencies and the security environment in the different countries as well. The project wants to analyze security environments related to jihadist violent extremism in Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines and Indonesia, for finding out future vulnerabilities and possible strategies for facing the threat successfully. This goal is achieved by a comprehensive report edited by CeSI and the European Foundation for Democracy (EFD) and realized in collaboration with the Center for Strategic and International Studies Indonesia (CSIS), Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) and Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI).