Andrea Margelletti

President of Ce.S.I. - Centro Studi Internazionali

Andrea Margelletti, Founder and Chairman of Center for International Studies of Rome (CeSI)

From 2012 to 2018 he held the position of Advisor to the Minister of Defense in the Monti, Letta, Renzi and Gentiloni governments. From 2019 to today, he held the position of Advisor to the Minister of Defense in the Conte II, Draghi and Meloni governments.

Andrea Margelletti was on several occasions invited as speaker at the Fourth Commission “Special Policies and Decolonization” of the United Nations General Assembly in New York to talk about the security situation in the North Africa and the Sahel regions.

He is lecturer at the Faculty of Investigation and Security Sciences of the University of Perugia and Narni, at the Italian Training School of Department of Security Information (Dipartimento delle informazioni per la sicurezza, DIS), at the Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers School of the Carabinieri, at the High Studies Center for Defence (Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa, CASD) at the Italian Army’s Post-Conflict Operations Studies Center, at the School of Economic and Financial Police - Guardia di Finanza, at the Joint Intelligence Center of the Defense Staff.

He is a regular commentator on international politics and security issues for RAI, Mediaset, CNN, Al Jazeera, SKY, MSNBC, TV2000 and Radio Rai. He is frequently interviewed by the main Italian newspapers (La Stampa, La Repubblica, Il Messaggero, il Corriere della Sera) on the topics mentioned.

He is the author of the book “Un mondo in bilico” published by Eurilink.

He is an Honorary Academician of the Accademia Angelica Costantiniana, Commendatore pro Merito Melitensi of the SMOM - Sovereign Military Order of Malta and Knight of OMRI - Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.

Andrea Margelletti is the first and only honorary member of the Italian Special Forces.